Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Searching faithfully for excellence

Congratulations to Louie Swann, winner of the Jess Cup

Fitzwilliam Street, Rotherham,South Yorkshire S63 7HG


01709 760084


  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Mother's Day Event and Chocolate Raffle - Thank You

Mother's Day Event and Chocolate Raffle - Thank You

11 April 2017 (by Declan McLaughlin (dmclaughlin))

Thank you for raising £423.88 at the Mother's Day Event and just over £200 in the Chocolate Raffle

Thank you to everyone who supported the Mother’s day event. The children raised £423.88 towards the cost of their theatre visit next half term. Also thank you for the fantastic response to the chocolate appeal. We have raised just over £200 so far for the Good Shepherd Collection which supports the Hallam Caring Service. Bishop Ralph asks all Catholic schools to raise money during Lent for Hallam Caring Services which offer support to children, young people and their families, as well as running two day centres also provide practical help and advice for homeless and vulnerable people. Mother’s Day Event
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