Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Searching faithfully for excellence

Congratulations to Laycie-Mae-Campbell winner of the Jess Cup

Fitzwilliam Street, Rotherham,South Yorkshire S63 7HG


01709 760084

Mini Vinnies

Welcome to mINI VINNIES Blog

Mini Vinnies empower our young people to not only undertake voluntary work in their local community while developing their faith and spirituality, but also begin making concrete acts of charity with the people in their class.

Mini Vinnies

Cake Sale Tomorrow! (16.02.22)

Mr Gouldin (FoundsKS1) on: Mini Vinnies

The Mini Vinnies have been baking! They spent an after school club baking buns ready to sell tomorrow for their chosen charity. 

Ffion, who is part of the Mini Vinnies, nominated the Children's Liver Disease Foundation as a charity that the group could fundraise for. It is a charity close to Ffion's heart as she was born with a liver disease and the charity supported her parents when she was a baby. 

If you would like to buy a bun, please bring 50p to Key Stage 2 breaktimes. 

A BIG thank you! (18.11.21)

Mr Gouldin (FoundsKS1) on: Mini Vinnies

Today, Mini Vinnies checked and sealed 22 Christmas Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. We have a barcode for them, which means in a few months time we will be able to track and find out where and who receive the shoeboxes. Mini Vinnies, with the rest of Year 5 would like to thank all our families who very kindly sent in their donations for the shoeboxes, including 2 families who made their own. We couldn't have done it without your generosity, so thank you very much. 


Operation Christmas Child - DONATIONS WANTED (08.11.21)

Mr Gouldin (FoundsKS1) on: Mini Vinnies

This week Mini Vinnies and Year 5 are collecting toy, game and stationary donations for Operation Christmas Child. They have been set the challenge to pack 20 shoeboxes so please help them. More information on what kind of donations are suitable can be found here: What Goes In My Shoebox

Note Mini Vinnies do not need hygiene donations, they will be using their money they've raised previously to help fund these items. Donations must be in school by Wednesday. 

If any of our families would like to pack their own shoebox or fund a shoebox (every shoebox costs £5 in shipping costs) then please let us know. All shoeboxes must be in school by Wednesday 17th November ready to be sent to the collection point. 

Foodbank delivery (05.11.21)

Mr Gouldin (FoundsKS1) on: Mini Vinnies

Some of the Mini Vinnies took down some of the remaining foodbank donations from our Harvest to the foodbank today. Wath Foodbank is based at Montgomery Hall in Wath town centre, so the children were able to walk there carrying the food parcels donations. If anyone would like anymore information about the foodbank then please just ask us and we will be able to pass on their details. Mini Vinnies will continue to collect foodbank donations on a Friday and deliver them to the foodbank.


Harvest Mass (20.10.21)

Mr Gouldin (FoundsKS1) on: Mini Vinnies

Mini Vinnies, with the rest of their class in Year 5, led the school in a Harvest liturgy this afternoon. It was wonderful to see the children take responsibility for the liturgy and to tell everyone how important their generosity is for people in the community. The Mini Vinnies took charge of collecting donations, presenting them for the Harvest and packing them all up again ready to take to the foodbank. They would like thank all the lovely families for your generous donations today. All the food donations are very much needed in our local community and will make a difference to families over the coming weeks. Thank you.

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