Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Searching faithfully for excellence

Congratulations to Laycie-Mae-Campbell winner of the Jess Cup

Fitzwilliam Street, Rotherham,South Yorkshire S63 7HG


01709 760084

Year 2

Welcome to the Year Two Blog

Keep an eye on this blog to find out what we have been learning about this half term.
Below you will also find the timetable and homework for this week.

Year 2 Class Blog

Nativity Christmas Production

Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2 Class Blog

Songs to practise:


The Big Star


A Baby is Going to be Born


Too Dark


Hey Star


Shine Star, Shine


Far Below



Homework Friday 24.11.23

Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2 Class Blog

Good evening, Y2

Your homework is as follows:

 - Read your book on 3 occasions between now and next Friday.  This may be your RWI book or your Book-club book.  Please continue to send in book reviews.

 - Learn your spellings via the sheet sent home.  The challenge is to use each spelling in a full sentence to ensure understanding of how to use the words in the correct context.  Can you use any of the spellings in a question,  a command or an exclamatory sentence?  Please note:  Scores will be shown at the top of your child's sheet.

  - Please practice partitioning single-digit numbers in order to add and subtract using an efficient method.  This is something we are using a lot in our maths work at present.  Children must be confident with their number bonds to 10 to do so, therefore, if you find that your child does not know all 11 bonds to 10, then they should practice these instead.

Example (addition)

25 + 7

Partition 7 into 5 and 2

Add the 5 to 25 to make 30

Now add the remaining 2 to 30 to make 32.

Example (subtraction)

25 - 7

partition 7 into 5 and 2

Subtract 5 from 25 to make 20

Subtract the remaining 2 from 20 to make 18.

I will send all children home with a bonds to 10 sheet.


If anyone has any unwanted nativity costumes, we would welcome donations of them to school.  Some of our older costumes are looking a little tired and worn and we would benefit from some replacements.  Stars and angels are particularly welcome!  Thank you!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Dyson

Homework Friday 17.11.23

Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2 Class Blog

Good evening, Y2

Your homework is as follows:

 - Read your book on 3 occasions between now and next Friday.  This may be your RWI book or your Book-club book.  Please continue to send in book reviews.

 - Learn your spellings via the sheet sent home.  The challenge is to use each spelling in a full sentence to ensure understanding of how to use the words in the correct context.  Can you use any of the spellings in a question,  a command or an exclamatory sentence?  Please note:  The score at the top of the new sheet being brought home is the result of this week's test for last week's spellings.

  - Learn your line/s for our Gospel Assembly on Monday (families welcome! - 2:45 start)

You may also like to practice this song for the assembly:


Next week we will be learning about the religion:  Sikhism.  What do you already know?  Can you find out one interesting fact to share with the class next week?

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Dyson

Week beginning Monday 13th November 2023

Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2 Class Blog

Good morning, Y2, and families of Y2

We have a busy week, this week, as it is our Gospel Assembly next Monday so we will be practicing several times.

Here is our full timetable.

Have a wonderful week, everyone!

Miss Dyson

Homework Friday 10.11.23

Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2 Class Blog

Good evening, Y2

Your homework is as follows:

 - Read your book on 3 occasions between now and next Friday.  This may be your RWI book or your Bookclub book.  Please continue to send in book reviews detailing:

 - Title and Author

 - A summary (synopsis)

 - Favourite part/Favourite character

 - Would you recommend it?

 - How many stars out of 5 would you give it?

Perhaps you could draw a picture to go with it?

 - Learn your spellings via the sheet sent home.  The challenge is to use each spelling in a full sentence to ensure understanding of how to use the words in the correct context.  Can you use any of the spellings in a question,  a command or an exclamatory sentence?

  - Explore related facts in maths.  

Example:  If I know that 3 + 7 = 10 then I also know that 13 + 7 = 20 and that 30 + 70 = 100.  What else might I know?

Can you do the same with other bonds to 10?

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Dyson

Below are useful files and documents you can download to use at home.

 Year 2
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