Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Searching faithfully for excellence

Congratulations to Laycie-Mae-Campbell winner of the Jess Cup

Fitzwilliam Street, Rotherham,South Yorkshire S63 7HG


01709 760084

Year 6

Welcome to the Year Six Blog

Keep an eye on this blog to find out what we have been learning about this half term.
Below you will also find the timetable and homework for this week.

Year 6 Class Blog

Week commencing 20th November

Year 6 (Year 6) on: Year 6 Class Blog

Hello Year 6!

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend!


Here is our timetable for this week: Week 4 timetable.docx

On our timetable, you will find links to the White Rose videos we will be using in class. You may find it useful to pre-watch these or watch them at the end of the day to consolidate your learning.

Our Forest School sessions will be every Friday afternoon this term. Please ensure you have a pair of wellies in school and have warm clothing ready for this session.

On Thursday afternoons, we will have our P.E session, please come dressed in your PE kits and warm clothing on this day.

A Christmas Carol

This term we will be reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens as part of our Literacy and Comprehension lessons. You may want to read this at home or even watch the film which is available on YouTube. 


Please complete 1 lesson on Bedrock and 20 questions on TT Rockstars. This homework must be completed by the 24th of November. Remember, if you cannot access your homework at home, there is a homework club that runs every Tuesday lunchtime 12:15 -12:30 to complete your online homework in school.

Word of the Week

Each week, children across KS2 will be given a 'Word of the Week' This week, our word is: 

Why not try using this word in school, or at home. We can't wait to hear your sentences!

Miss Harper :)

Week commencing 6th November

Year 6 (Year 6) on: Year 6 Class Blog

Hello Year 6!

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend!


Here is our timetable for this week: Week 2 timetable.docx

On our timetable, you will find links to the White Rose videos we will be using in class. You may find it useful to pre-watch these or watch them at the end of the day to consolidate your learning.

Our Forest School session will be every Friday afternoon. Please bring wellies and warm clothing ready for this session.

On Thursday afternoons, we will have our P.E session; please come dressed in your PE kits and warm clothing on this day.

A Christmas Carol

This term we will be reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens as part of our Literacy and Comprehension lessons. You may want to read this at home or even watch the film which is available on YouTube.


Please complete 1 lesson on Bedrock and 20 questions on TT Rockstars. This homework must be completed by the 10th of October. Remember, if you cannot access your homework at home, there is a homework club that runs every Tuesday lunchtime 12:15 -12:30 to complete your online homework in school.

Word of the Week

Each week, children across KS2 will be given a 'Word of the Week' This week, our word is: 

Why not try using this word in school, or at home. We can't wait to hear your sentences!

Miss Harper :) 

Week commencing 30th October

Year 6 (Year 6) on: Year 6 Class Blog

Hello Year 6!

I hope you have all had a wonderful half term!


Here is our timetable for this week: Week 1 timetable.docx

On our timetable, you will find links to the White Rose videos we will be using in class. You may find it useful to pre-watch these or watch them at the end of the day to consolidate your learning.

Our Forest School session will be every Friday afternoon. Please bring wellies and warm clothing ready for this session.

On Thursday afternoons, we will have our P.E session; please come dressed in your PE kits and warm clothing on this day.

A Christmas Carol

This term we will be reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens as part of our Literacy and Comprehension lessons. You may want to read this at home or even watch the film which is available on YouTube.


Please complete 1 lesson on Bedrock and 20 questions on TT Rockstars. This homework must be completed by the 3rd of October. Remember, if you cannot access your homework at home, there is a homework club that runs every Tuesday lunchtime 12:15 -12:30 to complete your online homework in school.

Word of the Week

Each week, children across KS2 will be given a 'Word of the Week' This week, our word is: 

Why not try using this word in school, or at home. We can't wait to hear your sentences!

Miss Harper :) 


Writing in the holidays!

Year 6 (Year 6) on: Year 6 Class Blog

One of our Year 6 students, Ava, has produced some wonderful writing during her half-term break!

She continued our story plot and wrote about how Grendel's mother came back for revenge after Beowulf defeated her son in battle.

Her use of vocabulary is outstanding and this piece of writing could come from the book itself!

Well done, Ava! 


Week commencing 9th October

Year 6 (Year 6) on: Year 6 Class Blog

Good morning Year 6,

I hope you have all had a lovely, restful weekend. 

Here is our timetable for this week: Week 6 timetable.docx

This week in Year 6 it is assessment week. Please do not worry about these assessments as they are there to ensure we can provide each and every one of you the support that you need - just try your best!


PE will take place on Thursday afternoons with Mrs Coward. Please ensure you come dressed in the correct PE uniform on this day. 

Forest School

Our Forest School sessions will take place on Friday afternoons - please ensure you are dressed appropriately for this session. 


Well done to those of you who attended school every day last week - what a wonderful example you are setting for your younger peers! Don't forget about our attendance rewards in place - are you going to get £1 towards a Meadowhall voucher this week?

School gates open at 8:30 and children will be given a morning task to complete from this time - due to the amount of work we will have to get through in Year 6, this time in a morning is extremely valuable for your child and will benefit them hugely throughout the year.


Homework will be due on Friday 13th October. Children must complete 20 minutes of TT Rockstars, one Bedrock lesson and one spelling shed assignment. This will be checked weekly and any children who have not completed their homework will have to complete this during their break time. For any children who cannot access this from home, a homework club will run on a Tuesday lunch time 12:15 - 12:30 where children can complete this homework. Usernames and passwords are available for your child to get if they cannot remember theirs. 

As usual, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me on y6@olsj.org.uk

If there is anything you think requires urgent attention, please contact school and ask to speak to me as emails will only be looked at once a week. 

Let's have a great week!

Miss Harper x

Below are the timetable and homework for this week.

 Year 6
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