Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Searching faithfully for excellence

Congratulations to Darcie Mylchreest, winner of the Jess Cup

Fitzwilliam Street, Rotherham,South Yorkshire S63 7HG


01709 760084

Year 2

Welcome to the Year Two Blog

Keep an eye on this blog to find out what we have been learning about this half term.
Below you will also find the timetable and homework for this week.


Homework 30.9.22

Posted: Sep 29, 2022 by: Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2 Class Blog

Hello everyone


 - Children should be bringing in their book-bag every day.  This is primarily so that I can listen to children read, test them on their spellings or give them items to take home safely.  Children will not be allowed to take a book home without a book bag.  All children without book-bags were given one on the first Friday of the half-term (clear plastic bag with handle).

 - Names should be in all cardigans and jumpers so that they can be returned promptly when misplaced.

 - The morning task begins at 8:30 every morning.  Children who arrive at this time gain 15 minutes extra practice on key skills every day, compared to those who arrive at 8:45 or after.  

RWI sounds:

Please allow your children to practice the sounds they have been taught this week.  It makes such a big difference!

Blending group (Mrs Shore):

sh’ https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/YmWeqQAc/A4L81Yx7

‘th’ https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/Z9hoJHuU/cAj3gLt7

‘ch’ https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/IbrRKUP9/B32dOGpn

‘qu’ https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/WUllCMky/ASiUP29j ‘

‘ng’ https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/5mGY1Eq7/YmNhl98G

Green group (Miss Jubb):

ir (whirl and twirl)  https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/PntYlMC7/SEE4h5oz

ou (shout it out)  https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/QnlvCrev/76G1AYCG

oy (toy for a boy)  https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/ABx9Fn6S/D0Z30pfy

ay (may I play)  https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/jKUZrfOj/fudUzK52

ee (what do you see?)  https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/LJgp1n0Y/uFLFHRgY

Blue group (Miss Dyson):

ire (fire, fire)  https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/aLVBexbN/E0CNCOgs

ear (hear with your ear)  https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/oK4YYI9z/eCeO7sfz

ure (sure it's pure)  https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/0w3M4NmN/MOU1D1UG

e-e (go Pete and Steve) no video.  Practise words such as 'theme', 'these', 'evening'

ie (terrible tie) no video. Practise words such as 'cries', 'untie' and 'denied'

Grey group (Mrs Waller):

oa (goat on a boat)  https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/dHKaJixO/PgodPJK5

au (Paul the Astronaut) No video.  Please practise words such as 'haunted', 'taunt' and 'Autumn'.

ai (snail in the rain)  https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/K1yuHg8J/tCtfqUau

wh (whisk, whisk) No video.  Please practise words such as 'wheel', 'which' and 'whisk'

e-e (go Pete and Steve)  No video.  Please practise 'theme', 'these' and 'delete' for example.

Please aim to read at least 3 times per week.  Blue group will need to access a blue book online this week (this is likely to be the case every other week).  Please use the login previously given for the Oxford Owl website.

Spellings (little, yellow book):

Children have been assessed.  New spellings should now be in their books.  Ticks mean they have correctly read (r) or spelled (s) that word.  A dot means that they have either read or spelled the word incorrectly.  Please practice these words along with new ones.

Children have started learning about the great inventor, Alexander Graham Bell this week.  They can test their knowledge on the Kahoot! Quiz below:



Miss Dyson

Below are useful files and documents you can download to use at home.

 Year 2
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