Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Searching faithfully for excellence

Congratulations to Laycie-Mae-Campbell winner of the Jess Cup

Fitzwilliam Street, Rotherham,South Yorkshire S63 7HG


01709 760084

Year 2

Welcome to the Year Two Blog

Keep an eye on this blog to find out what we have been learning about this half term.
Below you will also find the timetable and homework for this week.


Homework Friday 13.1.23

Posted: Jan 13, 2023 by: Year 2 (Year 2) on: Year 2 Class Blog

Good evening Y2 and families of Y2


If your child has a RWI book, please read it at least 3 times per week or until they can read it fluently by themselves.  If your child is now a 'free-reader' they may want to record their book in their reading for pleasure diary.  Some children are in Mrs Waller's comprehension group but should still be bringing home a 'grey' book if they skipped 'grey' group completely.  Some children completed grey group and are simply 'free-readers'.  If you are unsure what book your child should be bringing home, please email me on our class email:  y2@olsj.org.uk

I now have full access to this email once again, therefore I will respond to messages ASAP.

If your child is still part of a RWI group, they should be practising the sounds taught that week via the links below:

Miss Dyson's Grey Group:

a-e (make a cake)  https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/EyfKBkWH/dHbS12xg

o-e (phone home)  https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/bbo9X0VP/arZBsg1t

u-e (huge brute)  https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/YW2VORkp/nUEtC7uP

aw (yawn at dawn)  https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/tdixpw7D/KjYStA3h

are (care and share)  https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/5Zg6xg6r/fxYxm2cO

Reading longer words:
ea/ee (2) https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/nzMWsWxI/PzkwLol6

oy/oi https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/OLO8Qawz/q9ucKThg

oy/oi (2) https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/a7sTsBUp/FCav1o8k

Miss Jubb's Purple Group

ar (start the car)  https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/I0daCY65/pWO4vy3F

oo (look at a book) https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/Xaipya7b/Txtu6Ynb

oo (poo at the zoo) https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/CZztVt3P/ZU79KEhE

ow (blow the snow) https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/FQ0ZNSwr/RiVIgHti

igh (fly high) https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/pc7qT9Kz/eIyc2Wae

Miss Johnson’s  and Mrs Shore’s group:

‘ew’ https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/BNdc8WsI/QMvVh1NT

‘ire’ https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/2GlrwAt4/X6nhguHP

‘ear’ https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/d6JguIeL/l3NELRfK

‘ure’ https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/FnzY9oPN/SN7cvPJw

‘ea’ https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/YySxILpZ/TMZnBHpy

Special friends, Fred talk, read the word:




We have just finished a short block on shape.  Listen to these songs about 2D and 3D shapes with your children.  Can they name some 2D and 3D shapes?  Can they talk to you about sides and vertices (2D), and faces, edges and vertices (3D)?



Have a great weekend

Miss Dyson


Below are useful files and documents you can download to use at home.

 Year 2
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