Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Searching faithfully for excellence

Congratulations to Darcie Mylchreest, winner of the Jess Cup

Fitzwilliam Street, Rotherham,South Yorkshire S63 7HG


01709 760084

Year 3

Welcome to the Year Three Blog

Keep an eye on this blog to find out what we have been learning about this half term.
Below you will also find the timetable and homework for this week.


Welcome back to School!

Posted: Sep 2, 2022 by: Year 3 (Year 3) on: Year 3 Class Blog

Hello to all the fantastic children and grownups of Year 3!

I hope you're as excited as I am to be back in class with all our familiar faces. We have lots of exciting new lessons and topics which I cannot wait to share with you. 

Here is our learning timetable for this week: Timetable WC 5th September 2022

Please note our school gates open at 8.30am and children should arrive at the top KS2 gate. They will then walk through school and down to the Y3 classroom (which is next door to our Year 2 classroom). 

We have a morning task to complete each morning between 08:30am-08:45am, all of which are important but fun ways to get the morning started so it is really important that children arrive on time. 

This half term we have a completely brand new, never-been done before in OLSJ topic which is 'Field To Fork'. We will be learning all about where our food comes from, the different foods we need to keep ourselves nourished and we will be making a three-course meal to share with special guests. (More on this later in the term!). 

In Literacy we will be revisiting instruction writing as this fits really nicely with our topic. Children will be writing instructions with a focus on growing a healthy mind and body. And in Maths we will be looking at place value up to thousands. 

Our Forest School lessons are on a Tuesday afternoon and our PE lessons are first thing on a Wednesday morning. Please make sure children come dressed in the correct new uniform for this on these days. Earrings cannot be worn on PE days. 

Homework will be added to the blog on a Thursday evening and reading for pleasure books will be swapped on Tuesday afternoons. However, the books available in Year 3 are lengthier so if you require more time to finish the book that's perfectly okay, we will have a record of what books the children are reading and when these are updated. If your child is still participating in the RWI programme they will also be given a RWI book which matches their RWI group colour. These must be returned every Friday as they will be replaced with a new RWI book each week. 

If you have anything you would like to speak to me about please do contact me during term time between the hours of 8am - 5pm and I will reply as soon as I can on our class email y3@ols.org.uk

Myself and all the other adults in our Year 3 class absolutely loved last year and can't wait to see you all again on Monday! 

Lots of love

Miss Castleton

Mrs Deakin

Mrs Lambert

Mrs Shaw



Below are the timetable and homework for this week.

 Year 3
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