Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Our Lady and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Searching faithfully for excellence

Congratulations to Louie Swann, winner of the Jess Cup

Fitzwilliam Street, Rotherham,South Yorkshire S63 7HG


01709 760084

Year 3

Welcome to the Year Three Blog

Keep an eye on this blog to find out what we have been learning about this half term.
Below you will also find the timetable and homework for this week.


Return from Easter Break

Posted: Apr 15, 2023 by: Year 3 (Year 3) on: Year 3 Class Blog

Hi Year 3 and Year 3 grownups!

We can't wait to welcome you back on Monday and hope you've had a well deserved break. Myself and the other Year 3 grownups were so proud of all that you achieved last term. 

We have lots of exciting new learning coming up including; the River Dearne, more Spanish learning, a new unit of narrative writing and further learning of fractions. 

Alongside this, Year 3 have been selected to start swimming lessons on Monday afternoons. Please ensure children arrive at school with their swimming costume, towel and swimming cap in a waterproof bag. If you do not own a swimming cap, these are purchasable at the leisure centre for £2. You can bring this amount along with you on Monday in order to purchase one.

I have attached the timetable for the first week here- WC 17th April.docx

This term we are going to have a big push on handwriting and spelling so this will now be a weekly homework task. Each Wednesday afternoon the children will have a spelling test focusing on Year 3 common exception words. There will be no test this week but one the week after. Spellings to learn are; 











Additional homework due 24/04/2023 is for children to write a short poem describing a river. This will help with our new story and will be great to showcase on our topic display. Here is an example: 

Have a great evening and see you Monday!

Lots of love, Miss Castleton, Mrs Deakin and Mrs Lambert xx

Below are the timetable and homework for this week.

Parent folder
 Knowledge Organisers
 Timetable Y3.docxDownload
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